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- Добавлено: 23.12.2016 в 13:24
- Категория: Презентация занятий
- Добавил: alls
Автор: Цветкова Татьяна Евгеньевна - Email автора: tatyana-tsvetkova@mail.ru
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They happen
General analysis of urine
General analysis of blood
Biochemical analysis of blood
The general analysis of urine provides research of color, transparency, specific weight, an acidity indicator, and also presence at urine of a number of substances – a squirrel, bilious pigments, glucose, hemoglobin, inorganic substances and uniform elements of blood – erythrocytes, leukocytes, also the cells covering uric ways .
By means of the general analysis of blood it is possible to reveal various inflammatory diseases, allergic conditions, diseases of the blood.
Blood - the liquid circulating in blood system both transferring gases and other dissolved substances, necessary for a metabolism or being formed as a result of exchange processes.
Blood consists of two main components — plasma and the elements weighed
The biochemical analysis of blood is a research clarification of a condition of all bodies and systems of the person.
Blood sampling for the biochemical analysis, as a rule, carried out on an empty stomach (it is impossible to accept food and to drink liquids in 6-12 hours).
Blood for this analysis undertakes
The correct interpretation of the biochemical analysis of blood and some knowledge of normal indicators allows to define very precisely violations in a water-salt exchange, an imbalance of microcells, inflammatory processes and infections, and as a condition of various bodies.
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